Write a function to see if a binary tree is "superbalanced" (a new tree property we just made up).
A tree is "superbalanced" if the difference between the depths of any two leaf nodes is no greater than one.
Here's a sample binary tree node class:
class BinaryTreeNode(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
def insert_left(self, value):
self.left = BinaryTreeNode(value)
return self.left
def insert_right(self, value):
self.right = BinaryTreeNode(value)
return self.right
We do a depth-first walk through our tree, keeping track of the depth as we go. When we find a leaf, we add its depth to a list of depths if we haven't seen that depth already.
Each time we hit a leaf with a new depth, there are two ways that our tree might now be unbalanced:
Why are we doing a depth-first walk and not a breadth-first one? You could make a case for either. We chose depth-first because it reaches leaves faster, which allows us to short-circuit earlier in some cases.
def is_balanced(tree_root):
# A tree with no nodes is superbalanced, since there are no leaves!
if tree_root is None:
return True
# We short-circuit as soon as we find more than 2
depths = []
# We'll treat this list as a stack that will store tuples of (node, depth)
nodes = []
nodes.append((tree_root, 0))
while len(nodes):
# Pop a node and its depth from the top of our stack
node, depth = nodes.pop()
# Case: we found a leaf
if (not node.left) and (not node.right):
# We only care if it's a new depth
if depth not in depths:
# Two ways we might now have an unbalanced tree:
# 1) more than 2 different leaf depths
# 2) 2 leaf depths that are more than 1 apart
if ((len(depths) > 2) or
(len(depths) == 2 and abs(depths[0] - depths[1]) > 1)):
return False
# Case: this isn't a leaf - keep stepping down
if node.left:
nodes.append((node.left, depth + 1))
if node.right:
nodes.append((node.right, depth + 1))
return True
time and space.
For time, the worst case is the tree is balanced and we have to iterate over all nodes to make sure.
For the space cost, we have two data structures to watch: depths and nodes.
depths will never hold more than three elements, so we can write that off as .
Because we’re doing a depth first search, nodes will hold at most nodes where is the depth of the tree (the number of levels in the tree from the root node down to the lowest node). So we could say our space cost is .
But we can also relate to . In a balanced tree, is . And the more unbalanced the tree gets, the closer gets to .
In the worst case, the tree is a straight line of right children from the root where every node in that line also has a left child. The traversal will walk down the line of right children, adding a new left child to nodes at each step. When the traversal hits the rightmost node, nodes will hold half of the total nodes in the tree. Half is , so our worst case space cost is .
This is an intro to some tree basics. If this is new to you, don't worry—it can take a few questions for this stuff to come together. We have a few more coming up.
Particular things to note:
Focus on depth-first vs breadth-first traversal. You should be very comfortable with the differences between the two and the strengths and weaknesses of each.
You should also be very comfortable coding each of them up.
One tip: Remember that breadth-first uses a queue and depth-first uses a stack (could be the call stack or an actual stack object). That's not just a clue about implementation, it also helps with figuring out the differences in behavior. Those differences come from whether we visit nodes in the order we see them (first in, first out) or we visit the last-seen node first (last in, first out).
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